Le nuove modalità di antropizzazione, la sessione e la call nell'ambito del Congresso ERSA: scadenza prorogata al 15 aprile


Session "ORMA - Opportunities and Risks of new Modalities of Anthropization between sustainability, innovation and fragility" for the 60th Congress of the European Regional Science Association entitled Territorial Futures. Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe, Bolzano, 24 - 27.08.2021, if health conditions prevent it, it will be "online"

Short description of the Session:

Even before the pandemic, the city had shown limits and great social contradictions and a loss of meaning. Result of uncontrolled globalization and unsustainable artificialization. The Session faces new paths of reterritorialization also on the basis of the comparison between emblematic cases. 

Convenors: S. Aragona, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, F. Fratini - University Rome La Sapienza, F. Rota - IRCRES.CNR - Turin, S. Fabbro - University of Udine, P. Salonia - ICOMOS Italy, F. Assennato - ISPRA Rome. 

For more details:

April 15, 2021  Deadline abstract (and paper) submission

For publication see

April 22, 2021 Notification of acceptance and registration start


Information contact:

Skype: Stefano Aragona