Conference "Bridging the Implementation Gap of Accessibility Instruments and Planning Support Systems" - Final Conference COST Action TU1002


The COST Action TU1002 on Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice, would like to invite you to its final conference dedicated to the theme Bridging the Implementation Gap of Accessibility Instruments and Planning Support Systems, to be held at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University on the 23rd and 24th October 2014.
Although planning research has witnessed a significant proliferation of Planning Support Systems (PSS), very few have actually been used in practice. This conference aims to share the main findings of the COST Action TU1002 on the usability of Accessibility-base PSS in practice and to open the debate on the implementation gap to the research and planning community. This conference will bring together a wide range of accessibility-based PSS and their developers, in a debate on the implementation gap in planning practice. During the second day, the conference will be joined with the 7th annual conference of the CITTA research centre, opening the debate on the implementation gap to other (non-accessibility-based) PSS. Besides of collecting a number of PSS this joint conference aims to discuss the usefulness of PSS in planning practice from a dual perspective developer/practitioner  searching for recommendations for the development of more useful of PSS in the future. The discussion will be stirred by a set of plenary sessions on Accessibility Planning, Planning Support and on how to bridge the implementation gap (including presentation of main results of the COST Action).

Confirmed Keynote speakers include: Karst Geurs (University of Twente), Susan Handy (University of California at Davis), Angela Hull (Heriot Watt University) and Marco te Brmmelstroet (University of Amsterdam), among others.

The Organizing Committee of this event would like to invite you to share your research with us, submitting an abstract to one of the following themes:

Track A1. Accessibility Instruments in Planning Practice

Track A2. Measuring Accessibility (Special Session of NECTAR Cluster 6)

Track A3. Accessibility Planning

Track B1. Urban and Environmental Planning Support Systems

Track B2. Transport Planning Support Systems

 All conference papers will be published in the book of proceedings (with an ISBN). Best papers of the conference will be invited for two special issues in leading international journals.

 Abstract submission should be done by e-mail to, using the attached template. Deadline: 30th March 2014.

 More information can be found at the conference website:

 Abstract template